A view of Edinburgh Castle from The Vennel

It was the first time I’d been up this street.

Or should I say up the stairs? My stomach stuffed with Lovecrumbs coffee and cake, I weaved back down to the Grassmarket and saw the sign. The Vennel.

My camera bag was over my shoulder; the first time it had escaped my office drawer since Monday (always the sign of a hectic week). I unzipped its corners and began climbing.

It was a short ascent, one of those that are an unwelcome reminder of how unfit you really are.

Once the traditional buildings began to twist into pebbledashed, unpicturesque walls, I stopped. Turned. And — as I’m discovering so often in Edinburgh — no matter how many times you’ve seen a view in a guidebook or on Instagram, the cliché never does justice to just being there.

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From this slender alleyway, I stood above the quaint streetlamps, apartments and market square with Edinburgh Castle looking me straight in the eye.

From there, I left the calm alley oasis.

Weaving my way back, I passed the premature Friday night revellers, who were beginning to cluster outside the bars.

I curved up colourful Victoria Street, spotted with scaffolding, before joining the blend of tourists and office workers on the Royal Mile.

There’s something about this city, so compact but so rich in culture, that attracts me outdoors — even after a week of work — like a moth to a flame.

Where are your favourite photo spots in Edinburgh?

9 responses to “A view of Edinburgh Castle from The Vennel”

  1. Loved reading your post and such a beautiful capture of Edinburgh! Soon I’ll be visiting, all the way from the USA, and cannot wait! Love your site, thank you for your inspiration!

    • Hi Sue! Aw, thanks so much for your lovely comment! How exciting you’ll be visiting soon, how long are you in Scotland for? More than happy to point you in the direction of a few more places you’ll love. Whereabouts are you from? 🙂

  2. know the area well coming from Edinburgh originally and visit at least twice every year with overnight stays. enjoy your blogs,keep up the good work !

    • Hi Chris! Thanks for the comment, appreciated 🙂 Whereabouts do you live now? Do like this part of Edinburgh, it is a bit of a riot on a Friday night though haha!

  3. Oh we were in Edinburgh yesterday at Grassmarket and saw the vennel and wondering for half a second if we should go up to see what it was. Now I was we had!

    • Haha you can go back! And stop at Mary’s for some ice cream whilst you’re there, think the weather is a bit more summery now 🙂

  4. Was lucky enough to live in Keir street and go to Heriots school and therefore saw this view every day of my youth in the late 40’s/early 50’s !!!

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